Bocconi UniBocconi Shop - Lo shop online ufficiale dell'Università Bocconi a Milano Bocconi University is the Data controller for the purposes of the personal data processed under this policy. In all cases, the writing of a Master thesis is required, as well as an internship. 25/06/2019 - 15:00 Bocconi University - Aula Magna, via Gobbi 5 - Milano Il test so che è il GMAT: 100 domande in 100 minuti più colloquio motivazionale. The Master of Science in Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance gives students the tools required to understand, assess and govern the opportunities and threats of the existing and emerging technologies used in our society.As innovative technologies are adopted, new issues arise, so students learn to look ahead, evaluate and communicate threats before they unfold. Bocconi University Programs. Politics and Policy Analysis_HP Direttore: Paola Profeta . I master universitari sono programmi pre-experience, focalizzati su tematiche specifiche, funzioni aziendali, settori economici o aree particolari di … HEC Paris’ students following the double degree program with Università Bocconi will have access to 4 MSc: Management, Finance, Economics and Social Science, Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment. Classified into varied schools, namely, Undergraduate, Graduate, School of Law, PhD school, SDN Bocconi School of Management and Summer School, Bocconi University offers a plethora of degrees from Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in different specializations along with specialized masters as well as doctorate courses in … The project includes: a residence hosting 300 students, the new headquarters of the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a multi-purpose sports center. Il corso offre una formazione avanzata nell’ambito delle scienze politiche e delle politiche pubbliche.Gli studenti imparano a comprendere la complessità delle dinamiche politiche, economiche e sociali del mondo attuale, e come le istituzioni nazionali e internazionali possono agire per affrontarle e gestirle. If you have any queries about this privacy notice or how we process your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address: SDA Bocconi’s Masters focus on the development of managerial skills for a variety of industry sectors. Nel sito Bocconi dedicato al master, trovi degli esempi di domande del test in una delle sezioni che parla del processo di selezione. Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 2019/2020 e del Campus Urbano Bocconi. Il progetto comprende: una residenza che ospita 300 studenti, la nuova sede della SDA Bocconi School of Management e un centro sportivo polifunzionale. Your years on campus are about more than just the classes you attend: Bocconi and Milan also promote activities focused on culture, sports, art and sharing ideas. They help make your Bocconi experience an exciting time that is key to personal and professional growth. Classes are taught in Italian and in English. Bocconi is about more than just classes. Opening of Academic Year 2019/2020 and Bocconi's Urban Campus. La Bocconi propone un’ampia offerta di programmi master per rispondere alle esigenze di formazione dei neolaureati o di chi, già inserito nel mondo del lavoro, intenda ampliare le proprie competenze su tematiche specifiche..