El Consejo Europeo reúne a los dirigentes de la UE como mínimo 4 veces al año. [42][43] The treaty further provides that the most recent European elections should be "taken into account" when appointing the commission, although the President is still proposed by the European Council; the European Parliament "elects" the commission, rather than "approves" it as under the Treaty of Nice.[42]. Asimismo, el Consejo Europeo ha celebrado la decisión de los jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de los Estados miembros cuya moneda es el euro de designar a Charles Michel presidente de la Cumbre del Euro para el mismo periodo. Más información sobre el cometido del Consejo Europeo, envíe su solicitud al servicio de información al público. [16] Hallstein notably began the consolidation of European law and started to have a notable impact on national legislation. [24] Following the Jenkins Commission, Gaston Thorn's Commission oversaw the Community's enlargement to the south, in addition to beginning work on the Single European Act. [35] The Barroso Commission was also the first full Commission since the enlargement in 2004 to 25 members; hence, the number of Commissioners at the end of the Prodi Commission had reached 30. [58], The commission's powers in proposing law have usually centred on economic regulation. In recent times Europe has seen an increased threat level of CBRN attacks. While that figure may be higher than that of some national elections, including the off-year elections of the United States Congress, the fact that there are no direct elections for the position of commission president calls the position's legitimacy into question in the eyes of some Eurosceptics. Los funcionarios del Servicio de Prensa hablan extraoficialmente sobre las actividades del Consejo. [93], Even though democratic structures and methods are changing there is not such a mirror in creating a European civil society. La Commissione europea è una delle principali istituzioni dell'Unione europea, suo organo esecutivo e promotrice del processo legislativo. Más información sobre los servicios de prensa. Se la Commissione dà parere positivo, il Consiglio adotta un mandato di negoziazione. El Servicio de Prensa es el primer punto de contacto para todas las solicitudes de los medios de comunicación. Where there are multiple departments involved a press release can also be a source of competition between areas of the Commission and Commissioners themselves. Geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven", "EU citizens complain about lack of transparency, 2009", "EU sued over lack of transparency, 2010", "Special Report – Europe finds politics and biofuels don't mix, 2010", "Analysis: EU Commission expenses highlight lack of transparency in Brussels, 2011", "/EU Commission Expenses: Cocktail parties, private jets, luxury away-days and limousines, 2011", "Ex-commissioners face conflict of interest accusations, 2010", "Be careful what you write, Eurocrats told", "The EU and Microsoft's 20-year marriage", "European anti-terrorism package prioritizes CBRN preparedness, expert says", "World Leaders Join to Pledge $8 Billion for Vaccine as U.S. Interest. La valutazione della Commissione europea ha portato all’identificazione dei diversi livelli di impegno per ogni Stato membro, sulla cui base la Commissione europea ha presentato raccomandazioni concrete agli Stati membri per la redazione dei loro piani strategici della PAC, assicurando un collegamento con l’ambizione del Green Deal europeo. 1 like. ALĂTURAŢI-VĂ MIILOR DE ORGANIZAȚII EUROPENE, ASOCIAȚII ȘI COMPANII PENTRU A SALVA VIEȚI. [14], The Malfatti and Mansholt Commissions followed with work on monetary co-operation and the first enlargement to the north in 1973. La Commissione inoltre vigila sulla corretta applicazione del diritto europeo da parte dei singoli stati membri. [37] In 2008, Paul van Buitenen (the former auditor known from the Santer Commission scandal) accused the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) of a lack of independence and effectiveness.[38]. [87], There is a larger press corps in Brussels than Washington, D.C.; in 2007, media outlets in every Union member-state had a Brussels correspondent. Nume organizatie . The commission is primarily based in Brussels, with the President's office and the commission's meeting room on the 13th floor of the Berlaymont building. El Consejo de la UE es la institución que representa a los gobiernos de los Estados miembros. La Commissione europea ha comprato i vaccini per tutti i 27 Paesi membri. Some states, such as France, expressed reservations over the power of the High Authority, and wished to limit it by giving more power to the Council rather than the new executives. [91], As the commission is the executive branch, candidates are chosen individually by the 27 national governments. Analysis of current practice and proposals for tackling mismanagement, irregularities, and fraud. Powers are more restricted than most national executives, in part due to the commission's lack of power over areas like foreign policy – that power is held by the European Council, which some analysts have described as another executive. È il principale organo esecutivo dell'Unione europea ed è composta da un Collegio di membri comprendente un Commissario per ogni Stato membro. Ecco cosa fa la Commissione europea: gestione delle politiche e assegnazione dei finanziamenti dell’Unione europea. I membri della Commissione sono attualmente in numero pari a quello degli Stati membri, ma a causa dell’aumento di quest’ultimi, l’art. As Parliament cannot vote against individual Commissioners there is usually a compromise whereby the worst candidates are removed but minor objections are put aside so the commission can take office. Frans Timmermans Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights Mission Letter Federica Mogherini La sede del Consejo de la UE y del Consejo Europeo está en Bruselas (Bélgica). For the most part, the position grants little extra power to Vice-Presidents, except the first Vice-President who stands in for the President when he or she is away.[67]. Active . [25], The Commission headed by Jacques Delors was seen as giving the Community a sense of direction and dynamism. This has increased with the creation of the President of the European Council under the Treaty of Lisbon. Your details will not be shared with third parties. It is common, although not a formal requirement, that the commissioners have previously held senior political positions, such as being a member of the European Parliament or a government minister.[4]. Thus, the Commission often proposes stricter legislation than other countries. However the more capable the candidate is, the more likely the Commission President will assign them a powerful portfolio, the distribution of which is entirely at his or her discretion. [2] Commissioners are supported by their personal cabinet who give them political guidance, while the Civil Service (the DGs, see below) deal with technical preparation. În conformitate cu Directiva UE 2009/136/CE, vă informăm că vizitarea acestui site antrenează activarea unui modul „cookie” în momentul accesării sistemului.Dacă nu sunteți de acord cu activarea acestui modul, nu accesați site-ul. In adopting the necessary technical measures, the commission is assisted by committees made up of representatives of member states and of the public and private lobbies[64] (a process known in jargon as "comitology"). Iulie 2020. Membru din . Subiecte . Coerenza con le disposizioni vigenti Questa iniziativa contribuisce all'ambizione espressa a Roma nel marzo 2017 dai 27 Stati membri e [66] Finally, the Commission provides some external representation for the Union, alongside the member states and the Common Foreign and Security Policy, representing the Union in bodies such as the World Trade Organization. [18][22] The external representation of the Community took a step forward when President Roy Jenkins, recruited to the presidency in January 1977 from his role as Home Secretary of the United Kingdom's Labour government,[23] became the first President to attend a G8 summit on behalf of the Community. In addition to these, 9230 "external staff" (e.g. Commissione europea. Está integrado por los Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de los Estados miembros, así como por su presidente y el presidente de la Comisión. La Secretaría General del Consejo es un órgano administrativo encargado de asistir al Consejo Europeo y al Consejo de la UE. Nos gustaría saber qué opina Ud. You agree to PRIVACY POLICY. Lanciato dalla Commissione Europea lo scorso 23 settembre, dovrà ora essere discusso nelle sue varie parti dal Parlamento Europeo e dai governi dei 27 Stati membri. The commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries. [80] There has also been a greater degree of politicisation within the Commission. Furthermore, the DGs can exercise considerable control over a Commissioner with the Commissioner having little time to learn to assert control over their staff. La Commissione europea invita il Consiglio europeo e i colegislatori ad esaminare rapidamente queste proposte al fine di giungere ad un accordo politico in sede di Consiglio europeo. Comisión Europea es la principal administradora del presupuesto, y destina 80% del mismo a los Estados miembros y más o menos 13% al resto del mundo. la struttura della commissione europea by AngelaCEO. Saranno le autorità nazionali a determinare i criteri in base ai quali attivare la richiesta di assistenza da parte dell'UE. Her appointment was consensual between European Council Members (Manfred Weber was not considered the most suitable candidate). Ultime notizie, link ai documenti e video delle riunioni delle commissioni. There is one journalist covering EU news for Latvia and none for Lithuania. This is in contrast to the Council of the European Union, which represents governments, the European Parliament, which represents citizens, the Economic and Social Committee, which represents organised civil society, and the Committee of the Regions, which represents local and regional authorities. The High Authority was the supranational administrative executive of the new European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The exact number of Commissioners was to be decided by a unanimous vote of the European Council, and membership would rotate equally between member states. [70], The President of the Commission is selected by consensus by the European Council[71] and confirmed by the European Parliament or not. Although there has been a worldwide cut in journalists, the considerable press releases and operations such as Europe by Satellite and EuroparlTV leads many news organisations to believe they can cover the EU from these source and news agencies. Faceţi diferența. Only the commission can make formal proposals for legislation: they cannot originate in the legislative branches. "The European Commission’s (EC) Action Plan to enhance preparedness against CBRN security risks is part of its anti-terrorism package released in October 2017, a strategy aimed at better protecting the more than 511 million citizens across the 27 member states of the European Union (EU).”[105], The European Commission organized a video conference of world leaders on 4 May 2020 to raise funds for coronavirus vaccine development. It has put forward a large number of regulations based on a "precautionary principle". However, under Barroso, the commission began to lose ground to the larger member states as countries such as France, the UK and Germany sought to sideline its role. [27] The International Herald Tribune noted the work of Delors at the end of his second term in 1992: "Mr. Delors rescued the European Community from the doldrums. [48][49] This aspect has been changed by the Treaty of Lisbon, after which the Commission exercises its powers just by virtue of the treaties. Alăturați-vă la navlosire. El Consejo Europeo adoptará una decisión formal sobre su nombramiento atendiendo a una recomendación del Consejo y tras consultar al Parlamento Europeo y al Consejo de Gobierno del BCE. [95] From this viewpoint, electoral pressures would undermine the commission's role as an independent regulator. [2][81] The Commission's civil service is headed by a Secretary General. What does the European Commission do? However, the treaty was rejected by voters in Ireland in 2008 with one main concern being the loss of their Commissioner. However, individual Commissioners, by request of the council or Commission, can be compelled to retire on account of a breach of obligation(s) and if so ruled by the European Court of Justice (Art. However, according to the treaties it still has to be fewer than the total number of members, thus it was proposed that the member state that does not get a Commissioner would get the post of High Representative – the so-called 26+1 formula. o Educación y Cultura (EAC) [interna]: La DG EAC elabora las políticas en materia de educación, cultura, juventud, lenguas y deporte. La Commissione Europea ha approvato la fusione dei gruppi automobilistici FCA, proprietario di Fiat e Chrysler, e PSA, che controlla Peugeot, Citroën e Opel. [89] In the face of high-level criticism,[90] the Commission shut down Presseurop on 20 December 2013. Little heed was taken of his administration at first but, with help from the European Court of Justice, his Commission stamped its authority solidly enough to allow future Commissions to be taken more seriously. El Consejo Europeo ha adoptado la Decisión por la que se propone al Parlamento Europeo a Ursula von der Leyen como candidata a presidenta de la Comisión Europea. [92] The fact that the commission can directly decide (albeit with oversight from specially formed 'comitology committees') on the shape and character of implementing legislation further raises concerns about democratic legitimacy. The European Parliament can dissolve the commission as a whole following a vote of no-confidence but only the President can request the resignation of an individual Commissioner. [68] Once proposed, the President delegates portfolios among each of the members. 27 Stati membri, avendo il Regno Unito notificato al Consiglio europeo, il 29 marzo 2017, l'intenzione di recedere dall'Unione europea e dall'Euratom in forza 50 del trattato sull'Unione dell'articolo europea. Commissione Europea, Brussels, Belgium. Más información sobre documentos y publicaciones. 17.5 TUE aveva previsto che, dal 1° novembre 2014, avrebbe dovuto costituirsi di un numero di membri corrispondente ai due terzi del numero degli Stati membri, compresi il presidente e l’alto rappresentante dell’Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza. 8_commissione_eu ©2019-2020 DIARI BV . A commissioner's portfolio can be supported by numerous DGs; they prepare proposals for them and if approved by a majority of commissioners proposals go forward to the Parliament and Council for consideration. Tale riorientamento delle istituzioni consentirà di valorizzare l'essenza stessa del metodo comunitario. In 2009 (as with 2004), the Lisbon Treaty was not in force and Barroso was not "elected" by the Parliament, but rather nominated by the European Council; in any case, the centre-right parties of the EU pressured for a candidate from their own ranks. Politica - 2 Dicembre 2020 Recovery Fund, Amendola: “Cabina di regia che affianca il governo? Inoltre, il Kirgisistan è diventato membro nel 2004; il Cile nel 2005; la Repubblica di Corea e il Montenegro nel 2006; il Marocco e l'Algeria nel 2007; Israele nel 2008, Peru e Brasile nel 2009, la Tunisia e Messico nel 2010, Kazakistan nel 2011, Stati Uniti nel 2013, Kosovo nel 2014, Costa Rica nel 2016 e Canada nel 2019. [67] Before the commission can assume office, the college as a whole must be approved by the Parliament. Capitale: Copenaghen; Lingue ufficiali dell’UE: danese; Membro dell'UE: dal 1º gennaio 1973; Valuta: corona danese DKK.La Danimarca ha negoziato una clausola di esenzione dall’euro e quindi non è obbligata a introdurlo. Within the EU, the legitimacy of the commission is mainly drawn from the vote of approval that is required from the European Parliament, along with its power to dismiss the body. This monopoly is designed to ensure coordinated and coherent drafting of EU law. [18] The Rey Commission completed the Community's customs union in 1968, and campaigned for a more powerful, elected, European Parliament. La Commissione europea potenzia il quadro normativo per gli aiuti di Stato ... mano agli Stati membri si è ulteriormente ampliato e contempla misure per garantire la liquidità, sostegno ai lavoratori e incentivi per la produzione di dispositivi utili a combattere la diffusione del virus e a curarlo. Administrative entities / It took office first on 10 August 1952 in Luxembourg City. As a result of a fraud and corruption scandal, the entire Santer Commission was forced by the Parliament to resign in 1999; a central role was played by Édith Cresson. Contribuye a la organización y la coherencia de la labor del Consejo, así como a la aplicación de su programa de 18 meses. This means that pre-emptive regulation takes place if there is a credible hazard to the environment or human health: for example on tackling climate change and restricting genetically modified organisms. [14] Owing to the merger, the Rey Commission saw a temporary increase to 14 members—although subsequent Commissions were reduced back to nine, following the formula of one member for small states and two for larger states. [96], In 2009 the European ombudsman published statistics of citizens' complaints against EU institutions, with most of them filed against the commission (66%) and concerning lack of transparency (36%). This EU institution operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission (informally known as "commissioners"). In base all’art. El Consejo Europeo es la institución de la UE que define la orientación política general y las prioridades de la Unión Europea. He arrived when Europessimism was at its worst. [2] Commissioners swear an oath at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg City, pledging to respect the treaties and to be completely independent in carrying out their duties during their mandate. El Consejo Europeo ha considerado también que Christine Lagarde es la candidata adecuada a presidenta del Banco Central Europeo. El Consejo de la UE es la institución que representa a los gobiernos de los Estados miembros. This also leads to an unusually high number of press releases, 1907 for 2006, and is seen as a unique product of the EU's political set-up. Organizzazione della Commissione. The European Commission derives from one of the five key institutions created in the supranational European Community system, following the proposal of Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, on 9 May 1950. In 1958, the Treaties of Rome had established two new communities alongside the ECSC: the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). Tutti gli Stati membri del Consiglio d'Europa hanno aderito alla Commissione di Venezia. Even though each member is nominated on the basis of the suggestions made by the national governments, one per state, they do not represent their state in the commission. Personale. The Barroso Commission took office in late 2004 after being delayed by objections from the Parliament, which forced a reshuffle. E' stata pubblicata la Comunicazione della Commissione Europea nel quadro dell’attuazione della direttiva 2004/108/CE concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica e che abroga la direttiva 89/336/CEE You can read more about how EU laws are passed. Dati sugli Stati membri dell'UE. The power of a Commissioner largely depends upon their portfolio, and can vary over time. [100][101][102][103] It has also been criticised on IT-related issues, particularly with regard to Microsoft. Ciertas cookies sirven para obtener estadísticas agregadas sobre las visitas al sitio web, que nos ayudan a seguir mejorando el sitio y atender mejor a las necesidades de quienes lo visitan. [96] Defenders of the Commission point out that legislation must be approved by the Council in all areas (the ministers of member states) and the European Parliament in most areas before it can be adopted, thus the amount of legislation which is adopted in any one country without the approval of its government is limited.

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