The party also came second in Liguria with 22.3%, second in Tuscany with 16.2%, third in the Marche with 13.0% and third in Umbria with 14.0%. | "[186] In the wake of the MV Enrica Lexie case, Salvini called for the expulsion of the Indian Ambassador to Italy and a military operation to extract the two detained Italian marines accused by India of the shooting. Salvini viene dai centri sociali. [56] The result was far worse than the previous EP election in 2009 (a fall of 4.0%), but better than that of the 2013 general election (a gain of 2.1%). Das drohende Auseinanderbrechen des Bündnisses war Lieblingsaufmacher der Tageszeitungen, in einem Ausmaß, dass man es fast gar nicht mehr ernst nahm. [19] In 1985, at the age of 12, he took part in game show Doppio slalom (the Italian version of Blockbusters), hosted by Corrado Tedeschi on Canale 5 and in 1993, at the age of 20, he participated on Il pranzo è servito, hosted by Davide Mengacci, which was broadcast by Rete 4. [6], He has been considered a hardline Eurosceptic politician, holding a starkly critical view of the European Union, especially of the euro. Er wurde zunächst dem linken Parteiflügel zugerechnet. Er und Luigi Di Maio waren zudem stellvertretende Ministerpräsidenten. E i dem: manifestazione nazionale a Roma il 1° giugno", "Incontro informale in corso tra Cottarelli e MattarellaI tre scenari possibili", "Governo, Cottarelli vede Mattarella. He was an active member of Young Padanians Movement, LN's youth faction, of which he became city coordinator for Milan in 1992 and city secretary in 1997. After the 2016 local elections, in which the party ran below expectations in Lombardy (while doing well in Veneto—thanks to Zaia—as well as Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany) and the NcS performed badly,[64][65][66][67] Salvini's political stance came under pressure from Bossi, Maroni, and especially the recently elected leader of Lega Lombarda, Paolo Grimoldi, who criticized the party's right-wing turn and its focus on the South, while reclaiming the federalist and autonomist identity of the LN. Als die Lega Nord 1997 Wahlen zu einem „Padanischen Parlament“ abhielt, zu denen mehrere fiktive Parteien antraten (tatsächlich waren fast alle Kandidaten Mitglieder der Lega Nord), war Salvini Spitzenkandidat der „Padanischen Kommunisten“. Salvini: Minacce gravissime, solidarietà ad Israele", "Isis: Salvini,Obama arruola l'Iran? [152] On the following day, the new Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez accepted the disputed migrant ship. The LN had never polled so high in those five regions before. November 2020 um 12:32 Uhr bearbeitet. [13][14], Im Jahr 2009 schlug Salvini eine Rassentrennung von Einwanderern und Italienern in Eisenbahnwagen vor. So veröffentlichte er unter anderem sein Buch "Io Sono Matteo Salvini" im Altaforte-Verlag, dessen Chef, Francesco Polacchi, der neofaschistischen Partei CasaPound nahe steht, sich offen zum Faschismus bekennt und der als Bewunderer von Benito Mussolini gilt. Als Moderatorin einer Kochshow dürfte sich Elisa Isoardi mit der richtigen Portion Würze auskennen. Der Chef der rechten Lega Nord paktiert mit der linkspopulistischen 5-Sterne-Bewegung. Eine solche ethnische Erfassung der Bürger verstößt gegen die italienische Verfassung, weshalb Italiens Premierminister Conte als Salvinis Vorgesetzter die Pläne vereitelte. Matteo Salvini (Lega) | [22][23], During his youth, Salvini used to visit the left-wing self-managed social centre Leoncavallo, although the nature of this relationship is controversial. E la Padania lo celebra", "For Many Italian Jews, Far-right Parties No Longer Getting a Pass for Being pro-Israel", "Salvini: la Corea del Nord? „Aquarius“-Flüchtlinge: Zynismus und Verantwortungslosigkeit, Senat hebt Immunität von früherem Innenminister Salvini auf,, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments für Italien, Mitglied der Abgeordnetenkammer (Italien), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, italienischer Journalist und Politiker (Lega Nord), MdEP. Di Maio e Salvini vicepremier", "Lo strano caso delle doppie tessere della Lega: così Salvini si è fatto due partiti - TPI", "del movimento politico "Lega per Salvini Premier" iscritto nel registro dei partiti politici, ai sensi dell'articolo 4 del decreto-legge 28 dicembre 2013, n. 149, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 21 febbraio 2014, n. 13", "Centrodestra. Mario Scelba (6.) Salvini ist das Kind einer Hausfrau und eines Managers. Matteo Salvini età 46 anni, altezza e peso, figli, laurea e vita privata del leader della Lega e ex ministro degli Interni nonché ex vicepresidente del Consiglio, ecco chi è Matteo Salvini, padre amorevole e uomo leale, preciso e attento nella vita pubblica e nella politica. [95] On their meeting with President Mattarella, both parties asked for an additional week of negotiations to agree on a detailed government programme and a prime minister to lead the joint government. August 2019 verkündete Salvini den Bruch der Koalition,[12] zwölf Tage später gab Italiens Ministerpräsident Giuseppe Conte seinen Rücktritt und das Ende seiner Regierung aus Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung und Lega Nord bekannt. Alle aktuellen News zum Thema Matteo Salvini sowie Bilder, Videos und Infos zu Matteo Salvini bei Danilo Toninelli (M5S) | [87][88], On 7 May, President Mattarella held a third round of government formation talks, after which he formally confirmed the lack of any possible majority (the Five Star Movement rejecting an alliance with the entire centre-right coalition, the Democratic Party rejecting an alliance with both the Five Star Movement and the centre-right coalition, and the League refusing to start a government with the Five Star Movement but without Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, whose presence in the government was explicitly vetoed by Luigi Di Maio). Francesco Cossiga (1.–3.) Matteo Salvini ist immer salopp unterwegs. [12][155][156][157] However, this measure was criticized as unconstitutional and was opposed by all the opposition parties and also by some members of the M5S. Traballa la maggioranza del governo in Senato", " - Scheda di attività di Matteo SALVINI - XVIII Legislatura", "Dizionario italiano multimediale e multilingue d'ortografia e di pronunzia", "Who is Matteo Salvini? [38][39] 2018 sprach sich Salvini gegen die Pläne der österreichischen Bundesregierung, Südtirolern österreichisch-italienische Doppelstaatsbürgerschaften zu verleihen, aus, fühle sich aber mit Österreichs Regierung „in Europa verbündet und teile 99 Prozent ihrer Kämpfe“. Il settimanale “Chi” lo ha paparazzato mano nella mano con la sua dolce metà . Mario Scelba (7.) [82], The League obtained a resounding success, becoming the third largest party in Italy with 17.4% of the vote. E si riapre l'ipotesi di un governo Lega-M5s", "Governo, Conte accetta l'incarico e presenta la lista: 18 ministri, 5 le donne. September 2019 amtierte, war er Innenminister. Juni 2018 Ministerpräsident Italiens. [199], Salvini also endorsed the Republican candidate in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump, whom he met in April 2016 in Philadelphia. [125], In August 2019, in yet another funding scandal unrelated to the previously mentioned Russia investigations, Italy's highest court sentenced Salvini's party to pay back 49 million euros ($54.83 million) of illegally acquired taxpayer funding to the Italian state. [197] He considers Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, contradicting the official stance of the Italian government. On 30 July 2020, the Senate authorized (by 149 votes against 141) a second trial against Salvini over the Open Arms case, where he also stands accused of kidnapping migrants after disposing the stop of the NGO's rescue ship off the coast of Sicily in August 2019. Foto: AP. [30][31] Laut Gerichtsunterlagen unterhält Savoini Kontakte zu Rechtsextremen, die für Russland gegen die Ukraine gekämpft haben und von denen einige im August 2018 in Italien festgenommen wurden. [171] His political views have been described as on the far-right,[17][172] espousing policies such as, among others, collecting census data on and expelling members of the Roma community living illegally in Italy. [29] Savoini organisierte Treffen zwischen Salvini und russischen Politikern und begleitet Salvini auf dessen Russlandreisen. Matteo Salvini vita privata: Francesca Verdini. Bei der parteiinternen Urwahl zum Bundesvorsitzenden der Lega Nord im Dezember 2013 erhielt Salvini 8162 Stimmen (81,7 %) und der langjährige Vorsitzende Umberto Bossi 1833 Stimmen (18,3 %). [191] However, he later reversed his stance, praising Qatar for its "balance" as opposed to Saudi Arabian "extremism"[192] and encouraged Qatari investment in Italy,[193] while opposing Saudi investment proposals in Italy[177] and condemning the decision to host the Supercoppa Italiana final in Saudi Arabia as "disgusting". Non poteva passare inosservata la ‘sosta’ del leader della Lega, Matteo Salvini, lunedì pomeriggio in Umbria e per la precisione ad Acquasparta (Terni). Mario Scelba (1.–5.) [102], However, on 27 May, Conte renounced his office, due to conflicts between Salvini and President Mattarella. Matteo Salvini, 45, ist seit Juni Innenminister Italiens. However, on 29 May and 30 May he held only informal consultations with the President, waiting for the formation of a "political government". Allegedly, the money was to be transferred from Rosneft to the League through a Russian subsidy of the Italian bank Banca Intesa, in which League's federal council member Andrea Mascetti is a board member. [200] Multiple news agencies have compared him and his views to those of Trump. [201][202] In September 2018, Salvini pledged his support for The Movement, a European populist group founded by Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon. Luigi Di Maio (M5S) | The Senate voted 149 to 141 in favor of the motion, which also stripped the ex-interior minister of his parliamentary immunity. Elisa Isoardi è una donna nuova: dopo Ballando con le stelle, la ex compagna di Matteo Salvini torna a sorridere in riva al mare. Die Regionalwahlen in Umbrien stehen einen Monat später an. Allerdings nicht, weil er ein Anhänger gesunder Ernährung geworden ist. He stated he used to go to Leoncavallo in his late teens and he embraced those ideas. Mag sein, dass er sich über- und seine Gegner unterschätzt hat. Rackete was arrested by the Italian authorities after docking. [123], The case obtained renewed attention in July 2019 when Buzzfeed made public the voice recordings and full transcripts of the meeting at the base of the investigation previously published by L'Espresso. “Defending Italy is not a crime. Amintore Fanfani (3.) [211], Salvini is an avid supporter of the football club A.C. Salvini disowned the retweet, claiming it was posted by a staffer by mistake. Antonio Segni | Giuseppe Pisanu (1.–2.) [44][45][46][47] Im selben Zeitraum wurde Salvinis Partei vom Obersten Italienischen Gericht zur Rückzahlung illegal erhaltener öffentlicher Parteienförderung in Höhe von 50 Millionen Euro an den italienischen Staat verurteilt. [11][12][13][14][15] The media also noted Salvini's "savvy social media presence. 1990 óta az Északi Liga tagja, 2013 óta elnöke. Infatti nel corso di questa guida ti svelerò tutte le curiosità che riguardano questo politico italiano. [27] Giovanni Savino sah in diesem Kontext 2015 eine neue Allianz zwischen italienischen Neo-Eurasisten und islamophoben Populisten wie Matteo Salvini (Lega Nord) und Marine Le Pen (Front National). Matteo Salvini nasce il 9 marzo del 1973 a Milano. Innenminister Matteo Salvini wollte Italiens Populisten-Regierung kippen und Premier werden. [20] Gemeinsam mit der neofaschistischen CasaPound plädierte er 2014 für die Aussetzung des Schengen-Abkommens, wobei er mit der Unterstützung des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin rechnen konnte, den er im Herbst 2014 in Moskau traf. Di Maio: "Inizia Terza Repubblica, "Italienische Wahlsieger einigen sich auf Parlamentspräsidenten", "Italienische Wahlsieger einigen sich auf Parlamentspräsidenten [1:10]", "Italian president says 'neutral' government should lead until end of year", "Staatspräsident erklärt Regierungsbildung für gescheitert", "Regierungsbildung ist gescheitert – Italien steht vor Neuwahlen", "Italy repeat election looms in July as parties still far apart", "Italy's populist parties given 24 hours to avert fresh elections", "Governo M5S-Lega, Berlusconi: nessun veto all'intesa ma no alla fiducia", "Italy's populist 5 Star, League parties reach deal on government program", "Chi è Giuseppe Conte, scelto da Luigi Di Maio per la possibile squadra di governo", "Italy populist government pact: Candidate for prime minister named", "Italian president in talks as populist parties put forward novice for PM", "Italy's Populists Move Closer to Power, With Little-Known Pick for Prime Minister", "The Latest: Premier-designate confirms Italy's place in EU", "Di Battista all'attacco di Mattarella: "Non si opponga agli italiani". [54], Im August 2019 verhinderte Salvini als Innenminister die Einfahrt des NGO-Schiff Open Arms mit 80 geretteten Migranten an Bord über Wochen. Italien und die Populisten: Eine Gefahr für Europa? In 1993 he was elected in the City Council of Milan, a post that he would hold until 2012. [212], Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister (2018–2019), Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, "Elezioni: Salvini Capolista al Senato in 5 circosrizioni", "Salvini vicino a perdere il seggio in Calabria. Klapsis berichtet weiter von einer Pressekonferenz, wo sich Salvini für einen EU-Beitritt Russlands ausgesprochen haben soll. [16][17][18][better source needed], Matteo Salvini was born in Milan in 1973, the son of a business executive and a housewife. Matteo salvini mirta salvini Matteo Salvini: Francesca Verdini, ex moglie ed ex fidanzat . 743,637 talking about this. La vita privata di Matteo Salvini non sembra influenzare la vita politica del leader della Lega che cerca di lasciare i suoi affetti personali al di fuori del partito, della politca e … Hier finden Sie alle News und Hintergrund-Informationen von ZEIT ONLINE zu Matteo Salvini. | Ein Gericht in Catania beschuldigt ihn deshalb des Amtsmissbrauchs und der Freiheitsberaubung. Nach dem jüngsten Wahldesaster der GroKo-Parteien in den Ländern stichelte Italiens Innenminister Matteo Salvini voller Schadenfreude: „Arrivederci Merkel“. Salvini trat 1990 im Alter von 17 Jahren der Lega Lombarda bei, einem der „nationalen“ Verbände der Lega Nord (die norditalienischen Separatisten bezeichneten die einzelnen Regionen als „Nationen“, die Lega Nord war nur der Dachverband). Ha 28 anni ma è avanti" Il leader leghista, ospite a 'Oggi è un altro giorno', si è raccontato tra pubblico e privato. | E’ entrate al centro dei gossip quando ha iniziato a frequentare il leader della Lega Matteo Salvini. [5] Er galt 2015 als Exponent der rechtspopulistischen und fremdenfeindlichen Neuausrichtung der Lega Nord. See actions [181][182] On December 12, 2018, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, hailed him as a "great friend of Israel". [citation needed] He is also considered one of the main leaders of the populist wave which shook Europe during the 2010s and a member of the neo-nationalist movement, which has a rightist ideology that emphasizes de-globalization, nativist and protectionist stances. Salvini seppellisce il vecchio Carroccio e fonda un altro partito", "Lega, Salvini schiera il "partito parallelo" per seppellire il vecchio Carroccio su cui pendono sequestri e confische", "XVIII Legislatura - Deputati e Organi - Modifiche intervenute", " - Senato della Repubblica - Variazioni dei Gruppi parlamentari", "Il piano di Salvini dopo il 5 settembre: partito unico del centrodestra", "Salvini, il piano per un partito unico del centrodestra e Palazzo Chigi", "Esclusivo - La trattativa segreta per finanziare con soldi russi la Lega di Matteo Salvini", "Italian prosecutors investigate League over alleged Russian oil deal claims", "Revealed: The Explosive Secret Recording That Shows How Russia Tried To Funnel Millions To The "European Trump, "Putin's party signs deal with Italy's far-right Lega Nord", "Italy's top court upholds seizure of League funds over corruption", "No beach bum: Salvini's populist seaside gambit stymies critics", "It's the Matteo Salvini summer roadshow", "Nationalist EU parties plan to join forces after May elections", "Italy emerges as ground zero for European extremist populism", "Italy's Salvini stakes out post as Europe's populist leader", "Salvini seeks European nationalist unity at Milan rally", "Europe's far-right leaders unite with a vow to 'change history, "Europe's rising far-right tries to bury differences to wield clout", "Macron vs. Salvini: Two leaders face off over EU's future", "How a triumphant Matteo Salvini plans to build a new coalition of eurosceptics with Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen", "Salvini vows to unite EU populists yet lacks partners", "Italy's anti-immigration Lega party enjoys EU election triumph", "In Italy, Anti-Migrant Populist Wins Big", "Italy's ruling League triumphs in EU vote as 5-Star slumps", "Salvini Pulls Rank After Trouncing Five Star in EU Vote", "European victory gives Salvini more leverage in Italy", "Governo Conte, chi sono i ministri: da Di Maio e Salvini (con i fedelissimi) agli "istituzionali" come Moavero.